Iowa Rivers Revival is happy to announce that there will be multiple chances statewide this year to become a Master River Steward! In 2016, IRR was able to train certified Master River Stewards Program (MRSP) instructors across the state, who in turn are bringing the program to you! The aim of MRSP is to engage and educate Iowans about a broad range of river issues, and to create a citizenry that is knowledgeable and will advocate for Iowa rivers so that current and future generations can enjoy these important natural resources.
MRSP brings 32 hours of instruction to Iowans on:
- Watersheds
- River and stream dynamics
- River and riparian habitats and wildlife
- River paddling and navigation
- River chemistry and water monitoring
- River and stream restoration and stewardship
- Policies related to protecting river and stream water quality
- Group projects will be conducted following the course in the participants own communities
Below is a schedule of upcoming courses, linked with contact information for their location. Please do not hesitate to contact one of the groups below or IRR with questions. Hope you can join us!