Great News!

Governor Reynolds has signed Senate File 2414 which contains a $500,000 appropriation to the Iowa DNR for the Low Head Dam Safety and River Trails programs! Thank you to all our supporters and friends who contacted their legislators about the importance of this funding!  For more information on the Iowa DNR’s River Program check our our River Restoration Tab.

Water trails funding needs your help!

Action Alert! The Water Trails and Low-head Dam Mitigation (DNR River Program) is under threat of being zeroed out…again. Dam Mitigation serves communities and state interests for safer, ecologically sound approaches. Water Trials serves recreational river and lake users. Team has grown abilities in stable channel design/river restoration. We need your help to fund important projects in Iowa!     Iowa has 177 low-head dams … Read more

Public hearing on the Des Moines Water Works governance bill

Contact your legislators TODAY and ask them to oppose HF 316! TARGETS in the Iowa Senate:Zaun, Whitver, Schneider, Chapman + Democrats + Johnson = 25 FIND YOUR LEGISLATOR According to the Des Moines Register, Despite opposition, Des Moines Water Works bill advances in Iowa Senate– Feb. 23, 2017 Legislation to dismantle the Des Moines Water Works, West Des Moines and Urbandale water boards was approved … Read more

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