11/04/2016: Looking for the 2017 “River Town of the Year”
10/31/2016: IRR is looking for a great river photo!
10/12/2016: Time is running out to register!
09/06/2016: Iowa Turtles Still Need Your Help!
08/17/2016: Iowa’s turtles need your support!
08/03/2016: Save the Date!
07/06/2016: Project AWARE Kickoff!
06/06/2016: Join us for River Restoration Workshops in Northeast Iowa!
05/25/2016: With your support, great things are happening!
04/26/2016: Action Alert!
04/21/2016: Dam safety mitigation funds “zeroed-out”! Action required!
04/04/2016: Join us today at the Capitol!
04/01/2016: Clinton Named “River Town of the Year”
03/28/2016: IRR welcomes Molly Hanson
03/25/2016: You’re Invited!
03/24/2016: Turtle Protection Bill Approved!
03/23/2016: Dr. James Pease, ISU Dept of Natural Resources and Ecology Management to speak at Blank Park Zoo
03/16/2016: Iowa’s Turtle’s still need your help!
03/15/2016: Join us for River Restoration Workshops in the Cedar River Watershed!
03/09/2016: Thank you for your help!
03/07/2016: Iowa’s turtles STILL need your help!
03/02/2016: Iowa’s turtles need your help!
02/16/2016: River Restoration Technical Workshop
01/22/2016: Legislative Update – January 22, 2016
01/14/2016: Shop Wheatsfield Coop TODAY – Support IR