Great news! Last Friday we received confirmation that Governor Branstad approved the $2 million Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure (RIIF) Appropriation for the Low Head Dam Mitigation and Water Trails Program. This is a $1 million increase from last year’s budgeted appropriation.
This is a HUGE victory for IRR and for Iowa’s rivers! Thank you for making contacts with your legislators about the importance and need for this funding — we urge you to thank the Governor for his support of river funding.
The appropriation will continue work on the statewide network of water trails that dramatically improve public interest in and access to rivers with new signs, safe portages, ramps and other features. The funds also will protect public safety as more and more people enjoy our rivers, by assisting cities with repair, modification or removal of low-head dams that are so deceptively dangerous. The funds also will be used to partner with landowners on streambank restoration.