Join the Service Squad!


The Iowa Rivers Revival and Iowa Environmental Council Service Squad is up and running!  This group is all about getting out and getting dirty and making a difference in Iowa. The first action is adopting a section of Four Mile Creek right by Sleepy Hollow.    We plan on working closely with Sleepy Hollow to schedule a cleanup day this fall yet.  Beyond that, it’s really all up to our “squad”.  What would you like to see this group do/participate in?

-Solar complex tour
-Park cleanup
-Event at Locally Grown in East Village
-Farm tours
-Tabling at events for IRR/IEC
-Advocacy training
-Visit classrooms
-Talk to legislators at the Capitol

First things first; join our Facebook group.  I think this will be our preferred way to communicate with each other outside of emails.  From there we can decide how often we want to meet up and what we as a group would like to participate in.  Stay tuned for a Doodle Poll of dates for a fall cleanup at Four Mile Creek.

Step 1: Scan the attached QR code or follow the link to our group’s Facebook page.

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