Nutrient Reduction Strategy – Comment Period Extended

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship has extended the public comment period for the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy by two weeks until Friday, Jan. 18, 2013. The original 45-day comment period was scheduled to close on Jan. 4.

As written this “Strategy” does not adequately address the huge impact agricultural practices contribute in contaminating Iowa’s rivers and the rest of the Mississippi watershed’s water supply and falls short of protecting Iowa’s waters. This “Strategy” requires revisions that include new, measured and accountable approaches to reducing agricultural chemicals in our waterways.

IRR’s Public Comments_Nutrient Reduction Strategy_12.28.2012

Comments can be directed to:

→ By mail:  Nutrient Reduction Strategy, ANR Program Services, 2101 Agronomy Hall, Ames, Iowa 50011-1010
→ Online:

Related links:

→ Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy:

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