Channel Chat June 2022

Welcome to the second Channel Chat of 2022! In this newsletter please enjoy: an update on our legislative priorities a recap of the Clean Creek Festival a great article an updated partnership! Thank you for being a valuable member of our squad of revivers! If you are not yet a member or know of someone who would like to be one, please visit our website to become … Read more

Say No to SSB 3134

Last week, a bill was introduce in the Iowa Senate that threatens public lands in Iowa. The bill is moving quickly and needs your action now. SSB 3134 is a direct attack on public lands and conservation in Iowa. It should be opposed in its entirety. SSB 3134 handcuffs the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and county conservation boards from acquiring land for parks, trails, preserves, watershed protection, wildlife … Read more

Channel Chat July 2021

This month we are announcing and highlighting our NEW membership opportunities! Learn more about the membership levels and how you can get involved to protect our rivers and streams.

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