Channel Chat July 2020

Hello River Lovers, Do you know what a watershed is? What about the name of the watershed you live in? Or what a Watershed Management Authority does? Well keep reading and you’ll be able to answer all of these questions and more. Everyone lives in a watershed! A watershed is an area of land that channels rainfall or snowmelt to the nearest creek, river, or … Read more

2020 Legislative Recap

This legislative session was one for the history books. When the session began in January, we had high hopes for the Governor’s Invest in Iowa Act, which would have funded the Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some priorities shifted, and it was put on hold until next year. When session started back up earlier this month, Iowa Rivers … Read more

ACTION ALERT – Ask Legislators for Level Funding for Dam Mitigation and Water Trails

We are now over one week into the condensed legislative session for 2020. The RIIF – Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund Bill (HF 2642) passed out of House Committee yesterday. It includes the following appropriations for FY 2021: Water Quality Initiative- $5.2M DNR Lake Restoration & Water Quality- $8M Dam Mitigation & Water Trails- $250,000 The $250,000 for Dam Mitigation and Water Trails is only HALF … Read more

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