Event: The River from the 22nd Floor — July 21st


Iowa Rivers Revival is organizing a very special event to honor and thank our 2013 River Champions.  We hope you will join us by becoming a River Champion!

We are celebrating our 2013 River Champions — those who give $250 or more to IRR in 2013 — on Sunday, July 21st from 2 to 4 pm with an open house at the home of long-time supporters David and Trudy Holman Hurd.

The Hurds’ live on the 22nd floor of the Plaza Condominiums in downtown Des Moines, with panoramic windows in their apartment framing expansive views of the city and the Des Moines River.

Our 2013 River Champions will experience incredible views of the city and the Des Moines River while enjoying wine and hors d’oeuvres and the Hurds’ outstanding art collection (which features a Chinese terra cotta warrior and works by Alexander Calder, Keith Haring, Roy Lichtenstein, Bruce Stillman, and Claude Bentley, among many others). The event will also feature a presentation by river historian John Wenck.

Please become a 2013 River Champion and join us on Sunday, July 21st!

Being a River Champion is a commitment to very important work.  It means that you strongly support IRR efforts to mobilize Iowans across the state to defend, protect, preserve and celebrate our rivers and streams.

You can donate online or by mail to Iowa Rivers Revival, c/o River Champions Open House, PO Box 72, Des Moines, Iowa 50301.  For questions or more information, contact Rosalyn Lehman at rlehman@iowarivers.orgor 515.724.4093.

We deeply value your support. With your contribution as a 2013 River Champion, we can and WILL do even more to protect Iowa’s rivers.  Thank you!

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